Wolfgang Cramer GermanyGeographer, Scientific Director at the CNRS and contributor to the IPCC (2007 Nobel Peace Prize) Professor Wolfgang Cramer,…
Ludovic Ravanel FranceGeomorphologist specializing in high-altitude mountain environments and climate change Ludovic Ravanel is a geomorphologist specializing in high-altitude mountainous…
Sébastien Lavergne FranceEvolutionary biologist at the Alpine Ecology Lab in Grenoble Sébastien Lavergne works as an evolutionary biologist at the…
Bernard Francou FranceGeomorphologist and glaciologist at the Development Research Institute (IRD) Bernard Francou is a geomorphologist and glaciologist. He directs…
Watch Blaise Agresti’s talk about Mont Blanc below: Can the hazards of stone fall encountered on the popular route on…