Dani Bach
SpainPresident of the Camptocamp.org association

Dani Bach is from Catalonia, works in London and lives in Switzerland with a French partner. Having spent ten years working as a researcher in molecular biology, he now manages biotechnology investment funds. His first summits were in the Pyrenees but he now enjoys mountaineering, paragliding and ski-mountaineering in the Alps and elsewhere in the world. Since 2014, Dani Bach has been president of the Camptocamp association, a non-profit organisation that manages the camptocamp.org website. Like a Wikipedia/Facebook of the mountains, Camptocamp.org provides free information to mountain addicts on routes and excursion conditions. With almost 400,000 unique visitors each month, this collaborative site, available in seven languages, has become Europe’s largest information exchange platform for the mountain community in just 20 years