Luc Moreau – The secrets of the Mer de Glace, the glacier and its alteration from the Montenvers

Luc Moreau

FranceGlaciologist and PhD in Alpine Geography, Edytem CNRS

In 1987, Luc Moreau decided to specialize in subglacial hydrology and its links to glacier sliding, which is measured by a wheel under the Argentière glacier (Emosson site, Mont Blanc). He then became a glaciologist and obtained a PhD in Alpine Geography in 1995 (Grenoble I). Today he is an associate member of the CNRS Environment and Dynamics of Mountainous Areas laboratory (EDYTEM), as well as heading the Chamonix-Glaciology association. Fascinated by glacial movement, he is currently monitoring the evolution of several glaciers across the world using automatic time-lapse camera systems. He will be speaking with great passion at the Montenvers site about the glacier and its alteration over time, a topic he covers in his latest book: Dans les secrets de la Mer De Glace.